Sunday, April 10, 2011

Anything but work [05.04.2011]

So my fellow Delhi virgin offsider at GreenOil (Dananjay) must be wondering what he has got himself into. He has been officially appointed my chauffeur and Delhi tour guide to solve whatever little problems I might have. I feel a bit ridiculous, but I guess this is the only way we will get the things done at the moment. And it’s really great to be given the time to do them.

On my first afternoon in Delhi, we went, ahem, clothes shopping. I mentioned that I had refrained from bringing too many business clothes from Europe with me because I wanted to see what people here in India wore and recommended. Of course they wear completely Western clothes that anyone in Europe wears and that I could have bought with me from Germany (of course that is also assuming I have a large range of Western business-style clothes ;-) We spent a fair bit of time trying to find something that I actually thought fit me well and that I was happy enough with the price- I thought India was supposed to be cheap!- well it probably is but not at the deserted designer label shops in the mall, populated as they are by 10 different serving staff for the 5 customers that are in there.

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